Thursday 3 January 2013

Bless Harder Update 1: Wherein HOLY CRAP A DRAGON

 My name is Meesei.
 I am an Argonian, hailing from Black Marsh.
 I lived there for most of my life.
 I recently moved to Cyrodiil.
 I had gotten a job as a professional treasure hunter, finding rare books in old ruins.
But none of that matters.
 Because today I am going to die.
 Thank you.  There's really no more to say.
 I have done nothing wrong, besides being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
 But that doesn't matter.
 My life may not have been the longest, nor has it gone where I wanted it to.
 But, in the end, I lived.
 I outlived my family.
 I moved to Cyrodiil to start anew, but... life seemed to be the same.
 All told, I have no regrets.
 I lived my life like it was meant to be lived, like it was a life.
 Really, what more can one hope to do?
 Well, perhaps one regret.
 I never got to tell my story.
 Good day to you, si-
 ...Oh my.
 ...Oh my.
This... was most certainly unexpected.


  1. So glad you have Skyrim now! Can't wait for all the updates.

  2. you are one damn fine argonian

  3. Looks good! I love the narrative style captions for the images. Can't wait for more.
